Sebo Marketing feels that every company should have a good, attractive website. However, designing and building the website is only the first step in making profits online. Consequently, we feel that you should get the best website for the price. There are absolutely cheaper website options out there, but those sites will not have everything needed for a solid, long-term, SEO and website profit strategy.
It’s Like Building a House…
We frequently get asked “How much do you charge for a website?” That’s kind of like asking “How expensive is a house?” Obviously, all homes don’t cost the same.
- Buying a spec home is less expensive than hiring an architect
- A large home requires more materials and therefore costs more than a smaller home
- Adding cool features (bay window, 3rd car garage, finished basement, etc) increases the price
The 3 Main Factors in Website Development Pricing
Start with the design base price, add content prices and add features to get a ballpark price.
1) DESIGN & CODING – Estimates include Design & Coding
- Using a template (no designer) gives a base price of $1,800 (like buying a prebuilt spec home)
- Having our designers tweak a template design gives us a base price of $4,100 (like selecting a model and customizing colors, cabinets, exterior finishes, etc)
2) CONTENT – If we design and code the shell, and then turn it over to you, there is no additional price per page. In most cases, we will be asked to train your staff for a nominal fee (usually around $250).
Option A: If you provide the content to Sebo, and Sebo adds the content to the site, add $150 per page.
Option B: If Sebo writes all the content, and Sebo adds the content to the site, add $300 per page.
- SEO work (KW saturation, Title tags, etc)…$50 extra per page
3) WEBSITE FEATURES – This part varies greatly, but in most cases, the extra features run between $200 and $1,500 per website. For example, do you want to add a blog or a video? Do you want your website translated into other languages?
Some Common Feature Requests:
- e-Commerce set up, configuration and testing, add $2,500 base + $120 per product
- All the sites we build are search engine friendly, but adding SEO elements to a site is different and is time consuming. Add $50 per page you want SEO’d at launch.
- At launch, most sites need immediate traffic. If you build your website with Sebo, we can set up an AdWords PPC account for you for $500 (a $750 value).
- At launch, most sites need people talking about their site so Google can see links from lots of other websites. We can create a bunch of links to your site for $400.
As a general rule, we’ll tell clients to launch a sites as quickly and simply as possible. Let the site start generating traffic and revenue for you. Then, over time, keep adding on to your site. It’s similar thinking to moving into a home without a finished basement or landscaped yard.
As it makes sense, keep making improvements over time. Plus, once the site is live, you can start gathering data and make smart improvements, instead of guessing what to tweak next.
That keeps the initial costs lower and gets your site up and going sooner!
Website Development Pricing Examples
Example A: A responsive template website, where you provide Sebo with 8 pages of content, with no extra features: $2,400
Example B: A responsive website with 40 pages of content written by Sebo, 10 basic SEO’d pages: $9,400
Need a Super Basic, Inexpensive Site?
If you need a very simple lead generation site just to get something started, talk to us about our $1,000 starter sites. You’ll be up and going within 2 weeks! Call 801-227-7326 or submit our online form.